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Image by Patryk Sobczak
Image by Jaime Handley
Stones of Meaning


When life gets challenging, its not unusual to feel alone. Sometimes it can feel as if no-one understands or no one is listening. I offer a safe space for you to explore your feelings and discover your true needs. Perhaps you are going through a difficult time,  a break up, a bereavement, or at crossroads in your life. Maybe you want to look back into your childhood and unravel your past or simply clear a way so that you can have the future you deserve.  We can work together to build a programme that is as unique and as individual as you.  


Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals and transform your life by giving you the confidence, belief and commitment you need to turn your dreams into reality.  
Goals give us purpose and help us develop as people. Without them we are likely to drift and become stressed and unhappy.
More importantly, if we don’t set our own goals, other people or (even worse), life will set them for us.
Hypnotherapy helps goal achievement by giving you the confidence to get started and the commitment to keep going.


Life can throw so many surprises at us, and whilst we cannot predict the outcome of these situations, we can take control of how we respond them. With my one to one coaching sessions, you will learn about acceptance and an understanding of why things have held you back in the past. Using worksheets, discussion and habit building you will learn how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you. With these new skills you will develop the ability to direct your life in the direction you want to go.

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